Only one more sleep, and then it is Christmas holidays! I am really excited for Christmas. It seems like the magic only lasts a few years - until grade 1 or so, when other kids ruin it for everyone. So I am really trying to enjoy and notice how magical it is for Abby, and Mina too. Every morning, the first thing Abby does is the advent calendar, and of course counts the remaining days. She has her letter for Santa memorized, and wraps up little presents for people all day, with kleenex and tape. She also loves to hear the baby Jesus story before bed, she says it gives her a good sleep. Right now she is more excited for "Auntie" day, the day we get to see Nunu. Abby is kind of upset that I did not put a picture of Nawana on our Christmas card, and she also thinks Auntie's last name is the same as ours. Abby also dreams of her every night, riding a white horse together. Mina likes to toddle up to the tree, oohing, and goes up to the baby's 1st Christmas pictures of her and Abby, and she likes to take the Christmas Fish off of the tree and play with him. It is fun.
Just a note about the Christmas card I sent out, you will notice there is no letter to go along with it. That is because I was too tired and grumpy that week to say anything positive. It has been a good year, I think, but really it has gone by in a blurry haze due to lack of sleep, and I do not really remember the highlights very well. Each time I started writing the letter, it degenerated very quickly into "I wish everyone would just go away and let me sleep." I am trying to be more positive now though, and I am hoping that this holiday season I can at least have a nap. Maybe 2 of them, if I have been good this year. Then I might feel better.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
This and that, incoherent ramblings of today....
Well, since I went through the trouble to sign in and post a comment on nunu's blog, I might as well post here too. I do not really have anything specific to say, so here are my random thoughts.
- It is very cold here now! Like 20 below 0 for a high during the day. brrr. I sewed Mina's mittens on to her snowsuit, and she ripped out the stitching! That little weiner. I guess I should not have just basted them on...
- Abby and Mina both have eye infections, and I have to torture them 4 times daily with eye drops, and it is not much fun.
- There is no Midwifery school in Alberta! So, it seems likely that in 4 or 5 years, we will be moving to BC or Ontario. Unless things change in this province. We are so backwards here, in the "richest" province in Canada. I might become a lobbyist in the meantime, while I am upgrading and saving $.
- Christmas is coming! I arranged a cookie exchange at work and everyone signed up to participate! (except for M the grinch, who doesn't really like me, so is spurning the cookie exchange) I am unreasonably excited about this, and change my mind 3 times a day about what kind of cookie I am going to wow everyone with. I also arranged a festive pizza lunch, to which I am bringing dessert, and Donna caught my merry spirit and is arranging a gift exchange. Ho ho ho!
- Mina walks now! She can go about 10 steps, when she is motivated, like when she sees someone else's church bag and wants to root through it, in search of food. Then she will sit there, quietly, eating someone else's apple.
- Abby can count to 100! She is often muttering under her breath, and when you ask her what she said, she gets mad at you for interupting, and she has to start counting again.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
When I Grow Up
I have always known that career wise, and education wise, I want to do more than Dental Assisting. For a long time though, like the past 12 years or so, I have struggled with figuring out what that something was. I have always been very envious of my sisters, who all seemed to be able to figure that question out very early in life, while I sat by, taking dental assistimg really only because it was only 1 year long, so if I hated it, it would not be a big loss. Turns out, I do enjoy my job, and it has served me well for the past 9 years. (holy cow, that is a long time!) For a while I thought that I wanted to be a nurse. But after being in the hospital a couple of times, and seeing what a nurse's job is like, and what our healthcare system here is really like, I realized that I do not want to be doing that. So that was the end of that dream. But the past couple of years, I have had this secret ambition. At first it was just a passing thought, I did not really believe I could do it. I would read books about it all the time, and imagine and dream that it was me, but I never said anything about it, because it was like this secret idea I had... But I got brave, I said it out loud, and it made me so excited. I have an info session to attend at the end of the month to find out if I can train for it in Alberta, but I could also go to BC or Ontario for it - for a 4 yr program at university. So my new 5 year plan is to do some major upgrading, as the programs are super competitive, and to save money. A lot of money.... Then, when my kids are both in elementary school, I am going to school to become a MIDWIFE! I am so so so excited about this, and it feels so right!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
We Miss Auntie
Sigh, beloved Auntie, sister and nanny NuNu has been away for a week now. We sure miss her! I miss having so many stylish pairs of shoes on my shoe rack - and they almost fit me, so I could pretend they were mine and that I knew something about fashion. I miss all of her shopping bags, she would come home after being at the mall and give us fashion shows of all the things she found that day. I miss coming home to a fresh batch of cookies. Nunu would wake up, promptly at 2, and start baking up a storm. And she always shared. Now, I have to start baking cookies regularly again, because there is nothing as depressing as an empty cookie jar. I miss hearing the giggles from when Abby would crawl into bed with Nunu and pretend to be a bear in a cave under the blankets. I miss being able to say "go see what Auntie is doing" when Abby was driving me crazy and needed something to do while I made dinner. Abby misses her too, and really loves sleeping in Nawana's old bed. She says that she dreams of Auntie sleeping there too. She misses the walks to Starbucks to get strawberry frappuccino's on a nice day. Keith misses reading fashion magazines, well, so do I. Mina misses impromptu piano concerts - Nawana would play very complicated songs, and Mina and Abby would dance around the living room. It was so cute.
We hope things are going well in Mississauga, and that your ugly nurse shoes are at least very comfortable. We love you Nunu!
We hope things are going well in Mississauga, and that your ugly nurse shoes are at least very comfortable. We love you Nunu!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
We are back! We had such a fun and relaxing time at the Happiest Place on Earth! (Which to Keith was the one and only smoking section in Tomorrowland.) So after taking a car, 2 airplanes and a bus, we arrived at the wrong hotel. So "Judy" called for a golf cart to come and pick us up, and what appeared, but a fancy schmancy Cadillac - a sign of things to come. Abby asked if she had to take her shoes off in it, it was so nice. The Grand hotel was so amazing and beautiful. I miss sleeping in the bed, having a newspaper delivered in the morning, and the double vanity and cozy robes that we wore to the pool. It was really high class, nothing like the KOA Disney holidays of childhood. Not a can of Chunky soup in sight! Just nice ladies asking us if we needed turn down service (I had to ask what that was. It involved fluffy pillows and chocolate. Two of my favourite things!) For me the hotel was really the highlight. I may plan all future vacations based on if we can afford a top hotel.
Our first morning there, we went to California Adventure, which was all decked out for Halloween with candy corn growing on the palm trees. Abby LOVED Soaring over California, and was making a joke later about "walking over California", ha ha. Keith, mom and I did the big rollercoaster, (which we could see from our balcony!) and Abby went on the carousel too. Then it was time for lunch at Ariels Grotto. Holy moley. Princesses galore. Abby had the Christmas morning look on her face for the entire event, and I got all teary seeing her so excited. Then we went to Disneyland, where I made the mistake of taking Abby on Snow Whites Scary Adventure (not reading the sign before going into it.) It was very scary. Abby would only go on outdoor rides that were not scary, loud or dark after that. So we spent lots of time at Dumbo, Tea Cups, and the Carousel. Although we did get her to go on Pirates then next day, which she says she liked, even though she was complaining about how wet her Belle dress was, and hiding her eyes the whole time... Her big highlight was the Princess Vanity Faire, where she got 1 on 1 time with 3 princesses - for 1/2 an hour! She brought a picture of them that she had drawn, and got to show them and chat and dance with them. She did have a bit of trouble explaining to Pocahantas why she was not included in the drawing... It was so cute to see her in that princess dress, having such a magical time. She also really liked the parade and the Jungle Cruise. Keith and I loved Space Mountain, which I think is my fav "fast" disney ride.
We had such a fun time! It was relaxing and happy and fun! Our pics are not digital this time, but I will try and post some after I get the negs scanned and put on CD. Thank you dad and mom for taking us on this really great holiday, and for all of the magic that Abby got to experience! We are planning to go again at Christmas time, when the girls are a few years older, I am going to save me pennies so that we can stay at the Grand again!
Our first morning there, we went to California Adventure, which was all decked out for Halloween with candy corn growing on the palm trees. Abby LOVED Soaring over California, and was making a joke later about "walking over California", ha ha. Keith, mom and I did the big rollercoaster, (which we could see from our balcony!) and Abby went on the carousel too. Then it was time for lunch at Ariels Grotto. Holy moley. Princesses galore. Abby had the Christmas morning look on her face for the entire event, and I got all teary seeing her so excited. Then we went to Disneyland, where I made the mistake of taking Abby on Snow Whites Scary Adventure (not reading the sign before going into it.) It was very scary. Abby would only go on outdoor rides that were not scary, loud or dark after that. So we spent lots of time at Dumbo, Tea Cups, and the Carousel. Although we did get her to go on Pirates then next day, which she says she liked, even though she was complaining about how wet her Belle dress was, and hiding her eyes the whole time... Her big highlight was the Princess Vanity Faire, where she got 1 on 1 time with 3 princesses - for 1/2 an hour! She brought a picture of them that she had drawn, and got to show them and chat and dance with them. She did have a bit of trouble explaining to Pocahantas why she was not included in the drawing... It was so cute to see her in that princess dress, having such a magical time. She also really liked the parade and the Jungle Cruise. Keith and I loved Space Mountain, which I think is my fav "fast" disney ride.
We had such a fun time! It was relaxing and happy and fun! Our pics are not digital this time, but I will try and post some after I get the negs scanned and put on CD. Thank you dad and mom for taking us on this really great holiday, and for all of the magic that Abby got to experience! We are planning to go again at Christmas time, when the girls are a few years older, I am going to save me pennies so that we can stay at the Grand again!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A few things Tuesday
Betina's Thursday posts are really fun to read, so I am going to try and post weekly too, even if is is just random goings on. So here we go.
On Sunday, during Sacrament meeting, just after the water prayer, the bishop gets up and tells us all that there is a bomb in the building and we have to evacuate. He is Chinese and has quite an accent, so it took us all a while to figure out what he was talking about. Quite the adventure. Turns out it was only a prank call, and the police traced it and have a suspect, who will be charged. The Primary presentation was supposed to be that day, so they are going to do it on fast sunday instead, in place of testimony meeting. Maybe they just do not want to hear everyone bearing their testimonies about the bomb...
Abby likes to play with Mina. When Mina is not in the mood, Abby will set a trail of food on the floor to make Mina come to where she wants her to play. She keeps a bowl of dry cheerios in her room for this purpose. It is her "Mina bait".
I am back at work now, it is going fine. My boss is really happy to have me back, which is nice to know. Mina hates being away from me, and it makes me feel so guilty, I really hope that she gets used to things soon. I am stressed about it...
On Sunday, during Sacrament meeting, just after the water prayer, the bishop gets up and tells us all that there is a bomb in the building and we have to evacuate. He is Chinese and has quite an accent, so it took us all a while to figure out what he was talking about. Quite the adventure. Turns out it was only a prank call, and the police traced it and have a suspect, who will be charged. The Primary presentation was supposed to be that day, so they are going to do it on fast sunday instead, in place of testimony meeting. Maybe they just do not want to hear everyone bearing their testimonies about the bomb...
Abby likes to play with Mina. When Mina is not in the mood, Abby will set a trail of food on the floor to make Mina come to where she wants her to play. She keeps a bowl of dry cheerios in her room for this purpose. It is her "Mina bait".
I am back at work now, it is going fine. My boss is really happy to have me back, which is nice to know. Mina hates being away from me, and it makes me feel so guilty, I really hope that she gets used to things soon. I am stressed about it...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My Bathroom
One day, in my dream house, I will have my own bathroom. One that no one else is ever allowed to use. It will have:
- A heated ceramic floor, so that there are never drops of water to step in
- A heated towel rack too.
- A double shower with seats for shaving my legs without having to balance like a flamingo.
- Glass block window so that the neighbors cannot see inside when I am showering at night. Because the window film you buy at the store just does not do the job, apparantly.
- A bidet, which I think every crohnie should have.
- A built in window seat, so that i can just hang out in there and read when I need to get away. Also so I can just in there when I am sick.
- A telephone so that I can talk to my sisters. For some reason, one of us is usually in the bathroom when we chat.
- A really big cabinet where I can store many varieties of floss.
- No bath toys.
- A huge jetted tub, so that if I ever get pregnant again, which is not likely, I can have my baby at home. Or one of my sisters can come over and have a baby in my tub.
- A cabinet with special lights for sterilizing my toothbrush.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Letter to my Kids Dayhome
Hi Nicole.
Well it is almost that time for me to go back to work! While I am happy to be back, I am also sad to leave little Mina. (Abby I am not sad about, because she loves you already!) So when I drop her off, I am going to just drop them off and run away so that I do not cry in front of them. So I thought I'd send you an e mail of all the things I would normally tell you that morning, if I wasn't running off like that.
- Naps: Mina usually takes 2 naps in the day. One around 9 am , for 1 - 2 hours, and another around 2:30, again for 1 - 2 hours. I put her down tired, but awake. Sometimes she does not cry at all, sometimes she cries for about 10 minutes. Please don't let her go longer than 15 minutes (though it rarely comes to that). If you vary the time to suit your schedule better, that is okay, that is just what works for her here at home. I have no idea how she will do with other kids in the room. Do you have a crib/playpen for her?
- Food: Mina is still nursing, but she can go the day without it. (we have done a few test runs). She does eat a variety of solid foods, so I know that she will not go hungry. She also drinks water from a sippy cup, but still needs help with it. Do you have a high chair? I will get a list of the foods she can eat for you. She still has not tried everything, so I would appreciate if you did not introduce new things to her. I can provide her food for you, if that would be easier or helpful. That is no problem at all, just let me know. Do you have a high chair?
- Development: Mina can sit up, crawl, pull up to standing and walk along furniture. She can also crawl up (but not down) stairs and makes a bee line for them whenever she gets the chance. She knows the sign for "more". When she learns more signs, I will let you know.
- Pets: So far Mina has been afraid of dogs. I am sure she will get used to Playful, but just so you know, the 3 she has met so far scare her...
- Personality: Mina is a happy kid. She adores Abby. When she is tired she will pull her hair and turn her ankles in circles, and yawn, of course. She gets startled easily by loud sudden noises and cries. She likes to clap her hands and play peek a boo, and she really likes dolls, and banging 2 things together.
Please e mail or call me if you have any questions about her. I will e mail you if I think of anything else. You are probably think that I am acting like a neurotic mother. I can't help it...
Saturday, September 01, 2007
End of Summer
Well, summer is over. It is September long weekend already! We had a really fun summer this year. We went on 2 weekend camping trips, and got to see much of the fam on one of them, and we also got to go to Calgary and visit the zoo. I renovated the front entry, and we got started on the kitchen this week. Right now I am sanding down window frames to get ready for a fresh coat of paint to go with the new windows that are being installed next week. We had lots of fun playdates at the splash park, and Abby learned to ride her bike! Summer went by so quickly. It is almost time for me to go back to work, part time, which is mostly a good thing, although I will worry about Mina until she adjusts to her dayhome. Of course she will do fine, but it is my job to worry about my kids. I am excited about going back to work because I will have something of mine back. I will get to be alone, when I am driving there! It sounds really selfish to say so, but I really miss having a few minutes to myself. And I will get to chat with grown ups. After being around little people for almost a year, I just need some grown up space. I am so lucky to have a boss who I like, who is a family guy and allows me the flexibility to work only the hours I need to.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Things I want to Always Remember about my kids
- Abby's imaginary friend "Spider". She uses her fingers to make him, and he plays with us all the time. I have a spider too "Big Spider" and hers is "Little Spider".
- Abby's favourite cuddle buddy Ghost, and her red striped vegetable blanket. Note to self, never go away without it! Many tears are shed, right Patience?
- Abby's rats nest after she wakes up.
- The sad little drawings and letters that Abby delivers to me when she is angry or sad.
- Mina's trilling sound that she loves to make. It is like a rolling R. I have no idea how she does it. Maybe because she only has front teeth?
- Mina's birth. Wow.
- The way Mina hits her chest when she is excited. Like a gorilla, it is so cute, but she ends up with odd bruises, especially when she does it while holding something hard.
Those are just a few. Now I must go and play pirates. Arr.
Monday, July 30, 2007
A little Update
Hello all,
Here are some things that have been going on in the humble home of ours.
Here are some things that have been going on in the humble home of ours.
- Mina can stand in her crib! She is growing up, I must shed a tear.
- Mina LOVES Abby's princess couch. She climbs up onto it, and ooh's and aah's four like 15 minutes while touching the faces of the princess's. She also has the same reaction to dolls. Definately a girl!
- Abby put on a pair of plain white underwear the other day. She usually chooses princess ones, but it was laundry day. So, she puts these white ones on, and walks around pretending to be Mummy! "Look, I am Mummy. I have boring panties." Well, guess who is going shopping for exciting panties this week?? I can't believe I have become the boring pantie person. Needless to say, I am embasassed.
- I have tiled our front entry! It looks beautiful! I am going to paint this week. I love doing this stuff! All of the HGTV I watch is really paying off! And, I found this store near my house called the "ReStore" where builders donate extra stuff, and I buy it for really cheap. So awesome. I learned to use a manual tile cutter (there is a trick to it! Good thing I bought extra tiles!)
- Keith has built another computer. Now we have the main one, which is super duper high tech, I have no idea about it's credentials, but Keith says it is top notch, also a "file storage" computer, set up in the laundry room, and a "media centre" under the TV. I am rolling my eyes. Keith is sure that I will show some WAF as soon as I figure it all out. (WAF: Wife Approval Factor among the techie computer people.) I am happy for him.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
It is soooo hot here. It has been above 30 degrees all week and I am about to die. I hate the heat anyway, and this is just too much. We have been hiding in the basement all day, except for when we went to the air conditioned mall. We would have stayed there all day, but Mina needed her nap, and we ran out of loonies for the rides, and Abby kept on finding things that she just MUST have, like golden shoes, flip flops, a beaded purse, and a garden hoe. I was about to buy her the new camoing chair, but then she had a bit of a tantrum, so home to the oven we went. I was tired of saying NO. It makes me feel like a meanie. Did I mention how much I hate the heat? I would rather have 30 below zero, at least then I could warm up in the house. There is nothing I can do to cool down. Our window AC unit fell out of the window last summer and broke. That was a very sad sad day. Woe is me.
This weekend we are going camping! We are going to a lake with lots of trees, so it should be cooler than staying home would be. If it cools down we are going to go berry picking too. Also we need to try out the new tent we bought. I have a few new camping recipes we are excited to try too, like boil-a-bag omlettes and some kebabs. It will be nice to have a weekend away. I hope Mina does alright.
I have so many pics to post, of Abby's awesome birthday party and horse ride, but Keith is in the middle of building his new computer right now, and the photo stuff is not installed yet. I promise I will do a whole blog of pics as soon as I can.
This weekend we are going camping! We are going to a lake with lots of trees, so it should be cooler than staying home would be. If it cools down we are going to go berry picking too. Also we need to try out the new tent we bought. I have a few new camping recipes we are excited to try too, like boil-a-bag omlettes and some kebabs. It will be nice to have a weekend away. I hope Mina does alright.
I have so many pics to post, of Abby's awesome birthday party and horse ride, but Keith is in the middle of building his new computer right now, and the photo stuff is not installed yet. I promise I will do a whole blog of pics as soon as I can.
Monday, June 25, 2007
New Car!
We bought a new car!!! I am so excited! We were going to get used, and be sensible and practical about it, but the interest rates were just so good on the new ones. We bought a 2007 Toyota Corolla. It is black and shiny and beautiful. I am so happy to have a reliable car, I do not have to worry about highway driving anymore (as you know, I had irrational fears ever since my transmission blew up at 120 km/hr. Which was pretty darn scarry!!) We cleared out a place in the garage for it, I can just see the hooligans down the street vandalising it for fun, just because it is new and shiny and not theirs. So, if you know anyone who needs a car, we are selling the old toyota...
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Wednesdays notes
This morning someone broke into my car. Well, my dad's car actually, which he has been kind enough to let us use this summer. Stupid little teenage theives are so annoying. They broke the window, and stole the registration. They did not steal several prescription pads, which my dad uses as scrap paper and leaves everywhere, or the chequebook that was in the glove compartment. They did however empty a bag of salted peanuts (Abby's emergency car snack) all over the car. And it looked like they heapedbroken glass into the carseats. What annoying little destructive disrespectful brats.
Mina is moving around like crazy. The other day I left her on the living room floor, and went and did something in the kitchen. Then I hear her distressed squeal, so I go to find her. She was completely stuck under the couch. I could not find her right away and got rather worried. This morning I had her in bed with us while we were sleeping. I woke up and she was nursing, upside down. It was really funny.
On a totally unrelated note, would you send you child to French or Spanish kindergarten? Pros for French: It is our national second language, and if she likes it, and continues with it, she could do some really cool exchange programs in highschool, and also be eligible for plum government jobs when she grows up. Pros for Spanish: she and Eden could go travelling to Spanish speaking places together, knowing Spanish is more unique and has a better "cool" factor than knowing French, and she already knows a fair bit thanks to Dora and Diego. I have a year to decide...
On Sunday, Abby's sunday school lesson was about tasting and smelling. They always draw a picture to go with the lesson. So my dear daughter drew a picture of an orange noodle aka: KD. I felt like such a trailer mom. Now everyone knows I feed my children crap. And they love it enough to draw a special picture about being thankful to be able to smell and taste orange noodles.
Mina is moving around like crazy. The other day I left her on the living room floor, and went and did something in the kitchen. Then I hear her distressed squeal, so I go to find her. She was completely stuck under the couch. I could not find her right away and got rather worried. This morning I had her in bed with us while we were sleeping. I woke up and she was nursing, upside down. It was really funny.
On a totally unrelated note, would you send you child to French or Spanish kindergarten? Pros for French: It is our national second language, and if she likes it, and continues with it, she could do some really cool exchange programs in highschool, and also be eligible for plum government jobs when she grows up. Pros for Spanish: she and Eden could go travelling to Spanish speaking places together, knowing Spanish is more unique and has a better "cool" factor than knowing French, and she already knows a fair bit thanks to Dora and Diego. I have a year to decide...
On Sunday, Abby's sunday school lesson was about tasting and smelling. They always draw a picture to go with the lesson. So my dear daughter drew a picture of an orange noodle aka: KD. I felt like such a trailer mom. Now everyone knows I feed my children crap. And they love it enough to draw a special picture about being thankful to be able to smell and taste orange noodles.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
In Response to Eve's Posts
I was reading Eve's blogs, and I am very sad that no one would be her hair model. It would be so nice to all live in the same place, at least until Eve is done hair school. Then she would have 6 models at her disposal. Maybe we should all plan our California visits around her test dates. The thing about having so many siblings is that growing up, there was really no need to make and keep friends. We did not need to, because we had our sisters and bro. Now that I am all grown up though, I feel that I am socially stunted because of this. I think that I did not develop the usual social skills that most other people seem to come by easily. A girl at church asked us over for dinner, and really, I am terrified. That is so wierd. She is perfectly nice, and I have no reason to be intimidated by a dinner invitation.
In other news, well, happenings... Mina is rolling over really well. She can sure get around! She also has been diagnosed with a flat head, and may need to wear a helmet. She has an appointment on the 20 of June to see what we should do about it. It is funny though, if she is fussing and crying, Abby will say "don't be sad Mina, your head is only a little bit flat." She has been crying a lot these days, I think her teeth are coming through soon.
Abby and I have planted a garden! I am really excited about it. It will be so cool to grow Mina's first foods! We planted peas, carrots, beans, spinach and potatos. Also some corn at Abby's request. I still need to plant the squash and zucchini, I just need to find a space big enough. Abby has also requested to go for a horse ride for her number 4 birthday. You would think this is an easy wish to grant, but I am having a heck of a time setting this up! I have one more place to call today, I really hope it works out.
I have been feeling like I am ready to go back to work... I am just not cut out to be at home 24/7. It is driving me crazy! I love my kids, but I am loosing my sanity. I need some grown ups around. No wonder my mother is crazy.
In other news, well, happenings... Mina is rolling over really well. She can sure get around! She also has been diagnosed with a flat head, and may need to wear a helmet. She has an appointment on the 20 of June to see what we should do about it. It is funny though, if she is fussing and crying, Abby will say "don't be sad Mina, your head is only a little bit flat." She has been crying a lot these days, I think her teeth are coming through soon.
Abby and I have planted a garden! I am really excited about it. It will be so cool to grow Mina's first foods! We planted peas, carrots, beans, spinach and potatos. Also some corn at Abby's request. I still need to plant the squash and zucchini, I just need to find a space big enough. Abby has also requested to go for a horse ride for her number 4 birthday. You would think this is an easy wish to grant, but I am having a heck of a time setting this up! I have one more place to call today, I really hope it works out.
I have been feeling like I am ready to go back to work... I am just not cut out to be at home 24/7. It is driving me crazy! I love my kids, but I am loosing my sanity. I need some grown ups around. No wonder my mother is crazy.
Friday, May 04, 2007
missing out
I am a bit sad that I am missing out on this weekend's California fest. I did briefly consider going, but I would have had to bring Mina. And, babies just would not hold up to Eve's rigorous scheduling. In fact, I have a hard time with Eve's rigorous scheduling. Maybe it is because I am a crohnie and am severly anaemic, but I just do not seem to have the energy that my sisters have. It is really hard to keep up with their adventures. I have no idea how they do it. I do hope that you all have fun though!
Monday, April 16, 2007
The junkfood thing
I had said that I would join my sister in the no junkfood on weekdays idea. Well, that will not work for me, because if I do that, then on Sunday night I will eat: 1 hotdog, 1 family size fruit and nut bar and 2 bowls of sherbert - oh and a coke. All because I know that it will be another week until I can have yummy things again. The thing is, that is more junk than I would normally eat in a whole week. So I am just going to be mindful about the size of the junky portions that I want. I never believed in denying oneself pleasure anyway. What an awful way to live.
In family news, Mina has started eating rice cereal, and loves it! She has also discovered her toes. Very cute. Abby really misses her cousins, and wants to go back. I fit into my old jeans, even after Sunday's binge! So, no reason to be crazy and deny myself the occasional coke. Sheesh. that is just not me. And it is officially spring time. Raking the grass yesterday (which is dead, so I thought it would be safe) brought on the seasonal allergies that make me spout water from my eyes and nose all day long, uncontrollable sneezing fits and other unpleasantries. And as much as I love nursing Mina, I am so excited for next spring, as I will not be nursing then, and can battle nature with many pharmaceuticals.
In family news, Mina has started eating rice cereal, and loves it! She has also discovered her toes. Very cute. Abby really misses her cousins, and wants to go back. I fit into my old jeans, even after Sunday's binge! So, no reason to be crazy and deny myself the occasional coke. Sheesh. that is just not me. And it is officially spring time. Raking the grass yesterday (which is dead, so I thought it would be safe) brought on the seasonal allergies that make me spout water from my eyes and nose all day long, uncontrollable sneezing fits and other unpleasantries. And as much as I love nursing Mina, I am so excited for next spring, as I will not be nursing then, and can battle nature with many pharmaceuticals.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
the dark side

Well, the bathroom reno is done! It looks great, although I have not taken pics yet. But I found out the dark side of renovating. Yes, I have a beautiful sparkly new bathroom, and it is wonderful. However. I also have a back yard filled with debris. Bathtub, sink, various plumbing things I cannot name, shower doors, boxes of tile and plaster, off cuts of drywall, cardboard. Ooh, and our Faux fireplace which I forgot was there until the snow started to melt. And an old fan, which still works, but Keith apparantly hates. He has tried to throw it away several times, and this time, I was too late to save it. I bet he will ask where it is this summer when he is sweating away on a project in his garage. Ha. Oh, and also a compter monitor, which sadly burnt out. So, Welcome to Wabasca! At least until we rent a truck to do a dump run.
Also, here are some pictures of my beautiful girls. They have nothing to do with the name of this post, by the way...
Friday, March 23, 2007
Todays Ramblings
Well, I have a couple of thoughts today. The first being, when I told Keith that it was time to have a baby, I did not realize that there would be days where my biggest accomplishment would be sucking out a booger from my baby's left nostril. Really. That huge thing was in there all day, going in and out every time she inhaled and exhaled... It was driving everyone crazy. I really felt like I had won a prize when I got it out! Thank goodness for the nasal aspirator I um, brought home, from the hospital.
The other thing is about crockpots. My sisters all swear by them, how they are so handy and make such delicious meals and all that. So, again wanting to fit in, I got one for Christmas this year. (well, actually TWO!) I have made several dinners. The first got burned. Yes, burned to a crisp in the crockpot. The pot roast was good, but I fail to see what the advantage of the crockpot here. It is just as easy to put it in the oven, and does not really save time because you still need to make the yorkshire pudding, mashed potatos and gravy, because that is the real reason to have pot roast in the first place. The other things I have made, including several soups, and a few chicken things, all come out this anaemic brown colour. And I noticed that the pictures of crockpot recipes in all of the books are also the same sludgy colour, so it is not just me. I am really grossed out by that colour. I cannot eat it. Especially after Keith pointed out that it turns that colour in your stomach anyway. So, I may retire my crockpot, and just try to be myself. I will cook my future stews on the stove, because I like my carrots to stay orange.
The other thing is about crockpots. My sisters all swear by them, how they are so handy and make such delicious meals and all that. So, again wanting to fit in, I got one for Christmas this year. (well, actually TWO!) I have made several dinners. The first got burned. Yes, burned to a crisp in the crockpot. The pot roast was good, but I fail to see what the advantage of the crockpot here. It is just as easy to put it in the oven, and does not really save time because you still need to make the yorkshire pudding, mashed potatos and gravy, because that is the real reason to have pot roast in the first place. The other things I have made, including several soups, and a few chicken things, all come out this anaemic brown colour. And I noticed that the pictures of crockpot recipes in all of the books are also the same sludgy colour, so it is not just me. I am really grossed out by that colour. I cannot eat it. Especially after Keith pointed out that it turns that colour in your stomach anyway. So, I may retire my crockpot, and just try to be myself. I will cook my future stews on the stove, because I like my carrots to stay orange.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Well, I have not blogged in almost a month. Which is about the time we tore apart our bathroom, and began renovating. It is a big job, when you are working around 2 kiddos and a husband who works long and hard hours. So we get 10 minute increments randomly dispersed throughout the week to work on the bathroom. But I think another week and we will be done! It is looking very good, and soon my lifelong dream to have a beautiful clean bathroom will be realized. I have lived far too long with tubs that never look clean, grout that might have been white at one time, no shelves or cabinets, yellow water that stained all of the fixtures, and yes, even mushrooms growing in a spot where the wood was rotten and would never dry. I can't believe I admitted that on the internet. Disgusting. Even repeated doses of bleach did not kill them.
I have learned how to cut and install drywall, bought my first powertool, rented tools from Home Depot, laid some tile and grouted a floor. I still have some painting to do, hopefully tonight, and we have to put the mouldings and silicone around the tub. Then the fun part of buying new towels! I have not had new towels since I got married, and I am really excited! I love being a homeowner, because I do not have to put up with fungi growing in the WC.
I have learned how to cut and install drywall, bought my first powertool, rented tools from Home Depot, laid some tile and grouted a floor. I still have some painting to do, hopefully tonight, and we have to put the mouldings and silicone around the tub. Then the fun part of buying new towels! I have not had new towels since I got married, and I am really excited! I love being a homeowner, because I do not have to put up with fungi growing in the WC.
Friday, February 16, 2007
V Day

Well, not to be out done by my sisters, (why is this such a theme in my life? hmm, perhaps a future blog about that...) I am posting our cookie making picture. Thank-goodness for Cookie Monster's Famous Cookie dough! It is a Payne tradition. Every boy we have ever woo'ed, or wished we were woo'ing has sampled this timeless recipe. And I must say, that the cookie method is tried and true, and works nearly every time. Abby gave cookies to our neighbors, and also made Valentine's day cards for the Mailman (taped onto the mailbox), the birds (placed on the front porch for the magpies to find) and the "Princess's at Disneyland" (which was mailed to the Disneyland hotel.) Happy Valentines Day to all. A very good excuse to make cookies.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Joining the Club
Some of my sisters are fitness freaks. Well, they are not freaks, they just really seem to like working out, counting WW points and - gasp - running. I have never done any of these things, because my Crohn's keeps me malnourished enough that if I ever do break the 100 mark, I save those pounds for the lean times coming... I have even been known to say that I would never run in my life again unless I was being chased by a bear or some such creature. I am not going to start running (sheesh, I am still sane!), but I have been thinking about getting fit. You see, I have several baby pounds hanging about that I would rather be rid of. And since I plan on seeing a naturopath after I am done breastfeeding, I have some confidence that I will be better able to manage the Chronies, and not have to keep the poundage in reserve. So. I have started doing my Yoga tapes. Holy Moly! It is really hard! I am not a very good Proud Warrior, and I absolutley cannot to the Triangle without falling down. It is hard to "feel my breath with the soles of my feet" when the Warrior's arms are burning and about to fall off. Another problem I am having is my junk food cravings. It makes it really hard to plan healthy family meals for the week when all I want is chocolate cake and gummy bears. But I will persevere.
And so it goes on
Well, my dear first born has incredible willpower. She is fighting the fibre. Which is why we are awake at this ridiculous hour, dealing with her issue. This means, her screaming, going into the bathroom every 3 minutes and then changing her mind. This goes on all day, every day. I am so tired and stressed about this. I cannot even leave the house with her this way. We get absolutely nothing done, and now we are not sleeping either. I feel like I am missing something in the parenting skills box because I am really sucking at this. I am trying really hard to remember that she is only 3 years old, and is not a rational human being yet. But I am getting so mad!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Why, oh why, is my life filled with POOP issues??? First of all, there is my Crohn's disease. All about poop. (Well, and pain too, but that is a whole other poor-me post. This one is only about poop.) Second, my cat, who still poops on the floor a few times a week. Yuck. Thirdly, and most importantly, my first born. She has had poop issues forever. When she was a baby, she stopped going for about 2 weeks! My dad, books, and her GP all said normal, fine, she is breast fed, don't worry about it. Well, of course I worried, cried and lost a lot of sleep, and was convinced that everyone was wrong, because only I knew my baby's poop patterns. So, I got my dad to fandangle a emergency appointment with a pediatric specialist, who also, said that she was fine. And she was. I think this is why we have issues today. It is all my fault. She will actually hold it in for a week at a time, and make herself sick. It is awful and really stressful for everyone. So, today I took action. I made a double batch of bran muffins, fed her blueberries and muffins for lunch, and spiked her drinks with that powdery fibre additive. Lo and behold (drumroll please....) a huge poop! I am so happy and relieved. ahhhh. Nothing like a good poop. Fibre is our friend, and will be a part of our lives, even when it is secretly added to water, forever!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all (of my sisters, smears, and my dad, who seem to be my only Blog readers). I can't blame everyone else though, because my blog really is quite boring. However, I will continue on. A few days ago, Abby said to me. "Mummy, we need to go to the store and buy a new chair, with soft cushions. Our time-out chair is very hard, and I would rather not sit on it." She was suffering from "too much Christmas" syndrome: an interrupted schedule, being dragged all over town to visit well-meaning friends, too much sugar, late bedtimes, all on top of being three, which is not easy. Which resulted in many temper tantrums, bite marks on daddy's leg ( I really thought we were past that!), slamming doors (I think she gets that from me), and breaking things. Next year there will be some changes around the holiday time... We will decorate our gingerbread house with vegetables, for starters.
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