Well, not to be out done by my sisters, (why is this such a theme in my life? hmm, perhaps a future blog about that...) I am posting our cookie making picture. Thank-goodness for Cookie Monster's Famous Cookie dough! It is a Payne tradition. Every boy we have ever woo'ed, or wished we were woo'ing has sampled this timeless recipe. And I must say, that the cookie method is tried and true, and works nearly every time. Abby gave cookies to our neighbors, and also made Valentine's day cards for the Mailman (taped onto the mailbox), the birds (placed on the front porch for the magpies to find) and the "Princess's at Disneyland" (which was mailed to the Disneyland hotel.) Happy Valentines Day to all. A very good excuse to make cookies.
We used the Cookie Monster recipe too. Your cookies look so good! Did you use the enamel frosting? What is on top?
Also, very cute picture.
your cookies are sooooo good looking! did abby help?? if so, she totatly knows how to stay in the lines! what a fantastic child-
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