Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Our First Camping Trip!

This weekend, we took Abby on her first camping trip! It was a great success, and we all had a good time. We went to Allan Beach, which is a 30 minute drive from home (close enough that we could have chickened out, if necessary). Mom, next summer we will go together, I think you will love it! They have a nice beach area and a lake that you can actually swim in, beautiful camping sites (although Keith missed was sad there were no pine trees, just leafy poplars), and the cleanest outhouses I have ever been in. They also had flush toilets and showers. Abby requested a row-boat ride: "please, it is my best dream to go in a row-boat, I never did before in my whole life!!!" So, we rented a creaky old row-boat, and Keith paddled us out to the middle of the lake. Another highlight was of course the marshmallow roasting, and eating yummy smores... One night Abby woke up around 2 AM, and I showed her the stars, and she declared that there were 45 of them. We had such a good time!

Today's funny: we are eating supper, and Abby is playing with her food. So, I be a good mother and tell her to stop, food is for eating not for playing, blah blah blah... Not 5 minutes later, I look over to Keith, who has constructed a rocket ship out of his corn cob and the corn pokers, and is pretending to "blast off" over the table. I am out numbered. But happy that I have such a creative and free thinking family. And I must admit that the watermelon rind centipede was a kind of cute.

Coming soon: Pictures of my belly - as soon as I figure out how to add a picture to the blog.


Michelle said...

I have so much fun reading yours & Betina's blogs. I finally created an account so that I can leave comments.
I'm so happy that you're having another baby! Another girl? How fun. Ben starts kindergarten on Monday...he is so ready, and so am I!
Well...my comment on this one is that when you mention the cleanest outhouses - do you remember mopping at the clinic and Barb wouldn't let us use Pine Sol because it reminded her of "outhouses in Saskatchewan"? I don't know why that popped into my head...but it did.

Betina said...

that sounds like such a fun weekend!

Eve said...

hee hee hee- abby is sooo cute! Did she actually sit and count the stars? Ill be she did, that little smartie pants!