Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Well, I just did something shocking and unexpected.

I joined a gym.
Because I want to be fit.
I want to run, and refuse to do it in the cold winter, which is 3/4 of the year here.
Because I have no room in my 750 square foot house for a treadmill.
Because my brand new running shoes are gathering dust while waiting for better weather.
Because they have Thomas the Train stuff in the gym's daycare.
Because I want an excuse to buy and ipod and listen to Roxette really loudly.


Eve said...

good for you serinda minnie!! i absolutely love working out at the gym...its so inspirational when there are rock hard babes around you. You should check out the classes! Spin & step aerobics are my favorite.

Betina said...

good luck you gym rat you!