Friday, September 08, 2006

Stay at Home MOM!

I have been a stay at home mom for a whole week! I love it so much. I am a much better mother. I have more patience, I relate to Abby better, and my house is so much cleaner. Today I cleaned out the fridge, not just throwing away the rotten things as usual, but taking out the drawers and shelves and scrubbing. I also soaked the kitchen garbage with bleach. I have a daily and weekly lists, and everything is getting crossed off! I had abandoned the list making behaviour (which is genetically programmed in me), because it was too depressing not to have time to do the things on it. This week I painted the living room, and as soon as I find Keith's tape measure, I am going to hang the pictures that I enlarged and framed. These are all things that working full time moms do not get to do. Really. We have been living here for a year now, and do not have any framed photos on the walls. And my husband is a professional photographer!!! It was ridiculous and embarassing. Abby and I even made our beds today, which I have never in my life done. Also embarassing.

I do need to remember to schedule some me time though. Today at lunch, I cut the crusts off of my own sandwich. (Abby does not like the crust because she does not like the colour brown.)

My big news for the week is that I have enrolled in a program where I get to have this new baby in a hospital with a midwife!! I am so thankful that I got in, it was really last minute, but someone had cancelled about 10 minutes before I called. I am really looking forward to a natural birth experience, without drugs (as much as I like drugs), and fancy interventions that cause me more pain and suffering. I refuse to have another birth experience like last time! No, I am not turning into an "earth mother" type completley, we are not setting up a pool in the living room or anything like that, but I really am looking forward to a more normal and healthy experience. I am not nervous about it anymore. I am actually looking forward to it. I feel like I have won the lottery.


Betina said...

Good for you! I hope this birth is less traumatic than Abby's, but that the baby is just as wonderful.

Eve said...

serinda minnie- it is time for a new posting, now that you have all of this fun time on your hands!!